Announcement: Work is happening at the garden! We encourage people to bring their own tools from home when possible, or wipe down shared tools when not possible.
KOINONIA, A Community Garden is a garden for the community that is hosted by both Evergreen UMC and Christ UMC. It is located right in front of Evergreen UMC, in fact you will see the garden before you see our building!
It is called Koinonia because in Greek it means community or fellowship.
As Christians we believe in the beauty of God’s creation and the blessing of the wonderful food God’s creation provides. We also believe that we are made to know our neighbors and be in community with each other.
The community garden helps us live out both of these beliefs. As the area around North Chatham is being built up, we want everyone to have access to the freshest produce. We also want people who are moving here to have a place where they can get to know their neighbors. And what better way to do that than outdoors, in nature, working together while having fun together!
We invite everyone, and we do mean everyone, to be a part of this garden. All members of the garden share in the harvest, and the abundance is shared CORA (Chatham Outreach Alliance).
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I get involved?
That’s easy, just show up on a work day! You can join as a member of the garden. $25 per family for three seasons (spring, summer and fall) or $10 for just one season, your choice. Scholarships are available. We ask that all members make a minimum commitment to work four hours a month but chances are you will want to be in the garden more often taking advantage of all the growing and learning activities!
If you would like to be on the e-mail list to get the weekly (bcc) e-mail of the garden activities, e-mail the church at
What if I’m not sure if I want to commit to being a member?
Not a problem, TRY IT! is designed just for you. Join us for a couple work sessions and try it out. Introduce yourself to the garden manager and tell him/her you would like to TRY IT! We want you to have the best experience possible. When you come and work, you are welcome to a share in any harvest from that day.
Which days are the garden open?
The days and times vary throughout the season. Check out our facebook page for the most up to date information on when the garden is open:
What else do I need to know about work days?
We suggest you bring your own bottled water, sunscreen and insect repellent. Children are encouraged to come and garden with their parents or guardians.
What if I don’t know anything about gardening?
No Worries! Garden managers will assign tasks and show you what to do.
What if I’m not a member of Evergreen or Christ church, or not a Christian?
KOINONIA, A Community Garden is simply that, a gathering place for the community to have good food, make new friends, and have fun doing it together. You do not need to be a member of any church to be part of this community.
What kinds of things do you grow? We grow over 25 different types of produce: spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, corn, cucumbers, beans, okra, kale, a variety of herbs and much more!
Do you use harmful chemicals? We do not use chemical fertilizers, or pesticides.