Evergreen United Methodist Church is a diverse Christian community where we seek to love God and love one another.
UNITED METHODISTS speak many languages, live in many countries with many different cultures, ethnic traditions, national boundaries, and understandings of Christian faith and practice. United Methodism is a Protestant Christian denomination with the goal to tell the world about Jesus Christ. We affirm the historic faith of the church as expressed in the Apostles’ Creed.
WE ARE people dedicated to a life of participation, personal responsibility, continuous spiritual growth, and generosity in response to the call of Jesus Christ.
WE ARE a covenant community, concerned about God’s children everywhere. In life’s clouds of doubt and division, we see the sunlight of God’s purpose bringing healing, harmony, and hope.
WE LOVE WORSHIP, the study of God’s Word, music, potluck dinners, and a sense of community, a sense of belonging.
WE WELCOME ALL PEOPLE into our churches, and especially people who are searching for answers to life’s tough questions because we know what it’s like to feel alone, unsure, to need a welcoming place with open hearts, open minds, open doors. We are a judgement-free place where you can rest, and feel the presence and calling of God.
WE WORK to make a positive difference in our community and in our world.
WE LIVE the promise we made the day we joined The United Methodist Church — the promise of our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness.
As United Methodist’s we emphasize:
- The primacy of grace which is available to all. We talk about grace a lot because we believe that God’s grace is always calling us toward God, convicting us, empowering us, and sanctifying us throughout our lives. We believe we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our own efforts or works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
- The essential unity of faith and works. What we believe and how we live both matter, because how can you say you believe something if it isn’t affecting how you live?
- Salvation as personal and social; We care that people know God, we also care that they are fed, and we believe it is important to ask questions like: what needs to change in our community or world so that all people have enough food?
- Doing theology With Scripture as primary, we also use the tradition of the church, reason and personal experience to understand God’s direction for us.
You can read more about what binds us together with other Christians and what distinguishes us on the United Methodist Church website: Our Christian Roots and Our_Wesleyan_Theological_Heritage